Information For Administrators

The Simple Java Server (SJS) application is a super-server daemon that is capable of listening for connections on common network ports. Once a connection on one of these ports is established SJS will start an appropriate server to handle the requests received on the port. This functionality is similar to that provided by the inetd super-server daemon on Unix systems. SJS is currently capable of handling SMTP requests, but is intended to be easily extensible to other services like FTP, TELNET, etc. using a plug-in approach.

Super-server daemons like inetd and SJS can be useful for handling services where there is lower network volume and the average connection time is relatively long instead of relatively short. An example of this might be an FTP service utilized by a team of web-developers in separate offices. In this sort of scenario the connections to the FTP server would likely be relatively infrequent and the connection durations might be relatively long compared to, say HTTP connections to a public webserver. Basically, SJS and similar applications conserve system resources by only running a server process when necessary, although such conservation is lost in usage scenarios where there are many connections of short duration. Usage of SJS under scenarios similar to our FTP example is more appropriate than usage under a busy HTTP scenario.

As the name indicates SJS is a Java-based application and as such can be used on a variety of platforms including Windows, Linux, and Mac. Furthermore, the fact that this application is Java-based should promote extensibility to meet various functional requirements beyond what is currently implemented.

Building instruction for Simple Java Server can be found here.

Once built, Simple Java Server can be installed by using

Tutorial for the installation based on operating systems can be found in the following pages:

For installation utilizing BitRock software, instructions can be found here.

Information about the XML Properties / configuration file can be found in this page.

Once SJS is installed, the instruction to start the Simple Java Server and information about the commands can be found here.

More complete information can be found in the administrator manual. Instructions to get the manual can be found here.